Sochi Winter Olympics - a chance for Macedonian construction companies

Nearly hundred Russian companies were informed about Macedonia's investment opportunities through presentations by the government economic team in Russia, which wrapped up Wednesday. An possibility has been recognized at talks with businessmen for returning Macedonian construction companies on the market in Sochi, the host city of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.

"There was great interest at business forums held in Russia. I think businessmen from this region are interested. For a long time, Macedonia hasn't been present on these markets, there were no sufficient information. I expect in the coming period, direct talks to be held with businessmen and our companies to take the opportunity, the door we have opened for them, to promote Macedonian products on the Russian market, Vice PM and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski said Wednesday after a business forum in Sochi.

He added that Sochi - the city hosting the Winter Olympics - was a chance for Macedonian products, including fruit, vegetables, wine, to be exported.

Upon returning from Russia, Stavreski said he would hold meetings with construction companies. "We've discussed to sent back Macedonian construction companies, which is a chance for them to be promoted on this market and to secure engagements for the Winter Olympics," Stavreski said.

The Vice PM expressed content with the possibility of presenting Macedonia's investing potential in Russia.

"All in all, I think it was an excellent move to organize business presentations inside Russia, where there are large regions with no sufficient knowledge about the market in Macedonia. Initial information were presented to some companies to make a decision to invest in Macedonia," stressed Stavreski.

The government team presented projects related to tourism development zones, possibilities for investments in real estate, construction of purchasing centers for agricultural produces, as well as energy and infrastructural projects.

This week, Macedonia's government delegation presented the investment opportunities of Macedonia in the Russian regions of Rostov and Krasnodar.