Local road put into use in Bitola municipality

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski put into use Monday 6.5km-long local road Dolno Orizari-Karamani-Trn in Bitola municipality, part of the Government's project for reconstruction of regional and local roads.

"The roads' construction and overhaul is among the Government's top priorities. This road, which reconstruction cost Denar 13,2 million (EUR 220,000), is very significant for the inhabitants of the three populated places, linking them with the city of Bitola", said PM Gruevski.

Director of the Agency for State Roads Natasa Volkanovska said the Government has allocated EUR 60 million for reconstruction of local roads, along with EUR 70 million for regional roads throughout Macedonia.

"A total of 130 local roads have already been overhauled, with 120 to be completed this year. Moreover, 11 regional road sections have been reconstructed, with four remaining for this year. Moreover, we are focused on the completion of Corridors 8 and 10, the highways, as well as putting into use new regional roads", emphasized Volkanovska.