Poposki attends Bratislava meeting where Balkan countries coordinate their positions toward EU

Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Poposki, who also serves as Foreign Minister, is in Bratislava for the informal meeting of European Union members and candidates, that is focused on handling the migrant and terror crises.

"The joint fight against terrorism would yield much better results if, at the same time, we would advance the integration of the countries in our region into EU and NATO. It is my impression that, after a longer period of time, a significant number of EU countries look at the Balkan countries as key to the stability of Europe. We, the four candidates, sent out a joint message that our integration should not be seen as an idle pursuit or as a source of problems, but as a recipe to secure long lasting peace in the region", said Deputy Prime Minister Poposki.

The candidate countries, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Serbia, acted together, he said, coordinating their positions on key topics of discussion. "Our regional cooperation on a number of issues is turning into a true partnership", said Poposki.

Foreign Ministers representing EU member states in Bratislava held different positions on the migrant crisis from those representing candidate countries, but it was agreed that all share the same risks.

During his stay in Bratislava, Poposki met with the Foreign Ministers of Hungary, Austria and Germany, as well as with the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, Commissioner Johannes Hahn and with the host, Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak.