Employment project helps people of all ages to find jobs, Stavreski says

4,622 people found jobs through the Employing Macedonia project so far. It must be noted that people of all ages were hired, namely 2,000 people are under 35 while close to 1,000 people are 50 or older, stated Deputy PM and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski on Tuesday.

Of those who are over 50, approximately 250 people are over 58, he said speaking to members of the media.

“If it wasn’t for this government project, these individuals would have never been hired by companies. It’s a huge accomplishment for the government when a certain measure yields such results, i.e. creating jobs,” Stavreski stated after marking the start of the rehabilitation of a street in Skopje.

The employment project, he added, is also welcomed by the employers because it saves them money, i.e. they can hire people without having to pay benefits for healthcare and pension insurance.