Twenty new experts in domestic companies

Twenty new experts engaged by the Government will work in Macedonian companies of the food industry, production, ICT and technical-technological field, said Spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgjiev at Thursday's press conference.

The experts are engaged within the second cycle of the project that launched at the onset of the year and is expected to end in mid-2015. A total of 105 companies that applied at the ad for expert assistance will be encompassed in the project.

"Nationwide companies of different sizes and sectors are part of the project's second cycle", said Gjorgjiev.

Besides experts from the Netherlands and Germany engaged in the first cycle, this round also includes ones from Switzerland, Austria, Italy and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

"The project's first cycle involved 20 experts in the same number of companies, who provided assistance in the process of production, marketing and management", stressed Gjorgjiev.