PM's cabinet to hire advisers, professionals for top positions to implement government program

The Prime Minister's cabinet has issued announcements to hire individuals for managerial and non-managerial positions as well as advisers in several areas. The announcements are open until July 14.

Professionals for managerial and non-managerial positions in the field of foreign investments, support to local economy, human resources, protocol and law are being sought, Government spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgiev said Friday.

Advisers, he added, are wanted for political affairs, EU integration, foreign affairs, environment, mining and raw minerals, culture, economy, entrepreneurship, industry and innovation, agriculture, judiciary and administration, energy, transport and communications, information technologies and telecommunications and local self-government.

The job announcements are aimed at expanding the capacities of the PM's cabinet in an attempt to implement the extensive government program in the coming period, according to him.

All interested individuals who meet the required criteria are eligible to apply and some of them will be engaged in compliance with their capacities, education and experience.