Novelties for increased transparency in administration employment

Transparency of the employment process in state institutions will be increased through novelties in testing of candidates, along with the application of a new system of mobility from one to another institution, thus balancing the surplus and deficit of staff, said Minister of Information Society and Administration Ivo Ivanovski during Thursday's visit to the Administration Agency.
"According to plans, software for testing of civil servants will be enhanced, increasing the number of questions in the theoretical or practical sections. Each candidate will get different questions from the one seating next to him/her, but with the same degree of difficulty. The testing supervisor, who will not be present in the testing room but in the adjacent one, will answer any questions that candidates may have", said Ivanovski.
He added this is a transparent system used in a number of states and universities.
"This measure is aimed towards stimulating all those applying for administration jobs to really get prepared. Besides the two tests, a high education average is also required. The best ones will be interviewed by competent individuals, followed by selection. Afterwards, the person needs to pass psychology and integrity tests", stated Minister Ivanovski.
According to him, mobility from one to another institutions is one of the projected measures in order to balance employment, since there is information over surplus of jurists in some institutions, whereas a deficit of such people in other.
"The introduction of this system will result in balancing this trend. Ultimately we should reach a level when the need for employment will appear following the retirement of an employee or upon the request from the institution itself", said Ivanovski.
The new regulations of the European Commission for more efficient administration require increased competence from institutions, which does not mean that the number of employees must rise.
"Taking into consideration the 3-4 percent annual outflow of administration employees by way of retirement, there is a possibility to fill in these posts, but not necessarily", stressed Ivanovski while denying European Commission reports that Macedonia's administration is 'bulky' and needs to be reduced.
The Minister of Information Society and Administration reiterated that about 120,000 people are employed in the public and state administration, including the police and the army.